Talk:OpenDBX/C API/Usage

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I think this is a great project. Congratulations to Norbert Sendetzky and the rest of the team for putting out something like this.

A few years ago, I had wanted to develop a C/C++ library similar to OpenDBX but I unfortunately never got around to it.

Would it be possible to have these features as well:

- Driver registry: When a new database software (Postgres, Oracle etc) is installed. It can update the registry with this information. To update to a new version of the database, one needs only to upload the Driver binary and update the driver registry.

- Datasource registry: This would be similar to the ODBC datasource concept. By datasource, I mean a pointer to a database connection for any of the databases whose drivers are stored in the driver registry. So applications can connect to a database by searching for the datasource with a pre-configured name in the Datasource registry. It would also be great if it is possible to have a network-wide datasource registry such that OpenDBX applications can query for a named datasource and connect to it.

The Datasource registry makes it possible to have GtkWidgets etc which are 'data-enabled' to connect to a name datasource and then link to a field within a table in that datasource.

- GUI tools for managing the driver registry and the datasource registries.